Your main goal is...

To maintain the viability of your target CWR population(s) in the genetic reserve, conserving its breath of genetic diversity and fostering its use.

Specific goals to address

The overall objective of maintaining the viability of the target CWR population(s) involves ensuring optimal abiotic and biotic environmental conditions for the survival and reproduction of the individuals in your target populations. However, you will also need to consider additional specific goals to maintain and facilitate the use of its genetic diversity, such as (Iriondo and De Hond, 2008):

  1. Minimize the risk of genetic erosion from demographic fluctuations, environmental variation and catastrophes.
  2. Minimize the risk of genetic pollution from the cultivated crop to the CWR population as has often be noted in genetic studies (e.g. Oryza rufipogon Griff. from Thailand -  Akimoto et al., 1999).
  3. Minimize human threats to genetic diversity.
  4. Support actions that promote genetic diversity in target populations (provided they do not affect viability in a negative way).
  5. Ensure access to populations for research.
  6. Ensure access to backup ex situ population sample for use in breeding and research.
  7. Ensure availability and access to material of target populations that are exploited and/or cultivated by local communities.