The web tool covers a wide array of themes around CWR population management, from the very basics to more complex ones.

However, often CWR genetic reserve management is quite simple and straightforward.

The possibility of establishing a genetic reserve will usually come where healthy and abundant CWR populations occur. Consequently, many genetic reserves will almost be self-selecting and its management will be relatively easy. Often it is just about continuing with what is already being done.

How can a genetic reserve be created?


Top-down approach
A particular site is identified as a valuable component of a national, regional or international network for the in situ conservation of CWR


Bottom-up approach
Managers of a particular protected area or land property are aware of the relevant CWR populations that occur at their site and want to provide them with an appropriate conservation regime


What are the minimun stardards of a CWR genetic reserve?

The management regimes of a CWR genetic reserve, its features and the human and economic resources will vary greatly. Although, there is a minimum set of standards that a CWR genetic reserve should meet.

  • In both the design and implementation processes, these are:
  • In terms of the management practices you should consider the ones below:

Actively and sustainably managed as a long-term in situ conservation resource through the design and implementation of a management plan

Herbarium specimens of the target CWR obtained and deposited in two public herbaria

Georeferencing and demographic survey of target CWR populations

Basic characterization of abiotic and biotic conditions

Monitoring plan implemented

Local community involved in site management

Agreement signed between land-owner of site outside protected areas and public administration to ensure the protection of target CWR

Sampled at regular intervals for complementary ex situ conservation

Material and information accessible from a known national ex situ facility as part of the Multilateral System (MLS)